Scholarship Nomination Form

"*" indicates required fields

Enter your name, address, and telephone and have a teacher or counselor complete the rest of this nomination form. This form should not be completed by a family member or by the person who completes the recommendation form.
Applicant Name*
Applicant Address
This nomination identifies a potential college, university, or vocational school student who may benefit from the financial assistance provided by the Caribbean American Association of Lake County (CAALC) Scholarship. The Scholarship Board would appreciate your answering the questions below in a specific and candid manner, noting in particular incidents that illustrate the student’s maturity, initiative, and academic potential to succeed. If your relationship with the applicant does not allow you to make an evaluation of any item, please indicate “n/a” or not applicable.
Teacher/Counselor Name*
School Address*
How long have you known the applicant?*
Based on your knowledge of the applicant, check how you rate his/her academic skills.
Writing Skills*
Reading skills*
Math skills*
Academic achievement*
Academic potential*
Check how you rate the applicant’s characteristics and motivation.
Has positive self-image*
Demonstrates leadership capability*
Self-starter, has intellectual curiosity*
Is highly motivated*
Has potential for growth*
Survives frustrating experiences, tolerant of minor disappointments*
To your knowledge, does this applicant come from a disadvantaged background; e.g., low-income family, first-generation college aspirant?*
MM slash DD slash YYYY