Scholarship Applicant Information Form: Offer 2025 "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 2 50% High School Attending* Applicant InformationApplicant First Name* Applicant Last Name* Date of Birth* Gender*Gender *MaleFemaleOtherApplicant Street Address* City* State* Zip Code* Phone*Email* Enter Email Confirm Email What is your connection to Caribbean Heritage:*Please choose oneParentGrandparentWhich Caribbean country are you affiliated to:* Will you be attending* 4-Year University 2-Year College Technical College What is your GPA (Minimum of 3.0)* List Schools Applied or AcceptedCollege/University/Technical College*Name of InstitutionStatus: Accepted / Not Accepted / Pending1st Choice / 2nd Choice / 3rd Choice Add Remove Scholarship Applicant's Statement/EssayPlease use this page to submit a statement/essay of no more than 500 words in which you describe your personal and family background, your education/career goals, and how this scholarship will help you attain your education/career goals. List any extracurricular activities, community or volunteer involvement, honors or awards. You may wish to include any circumstances, experiences, or factors you believe warrant special attention, including unusual personal, family, or financial circumstances or challenges.*Statement/Essay*I hereby certify that the information given in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. To comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, LMHS, ERHS, SLHS, and LHS must obtain signed authorization before it can release information for use in scholarship programs. By signing above, you are giving officials permission to release secondary school records and any other requested information for consideration in scholarship decisions. By signing above, you grant permission to CAALC to use your image in any promotional materials that the Association may utilize to publicize the scholarship program and the Association.Applicant’s Signature (Typing your name will be considered a valid signature)* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ